In the past days, XVG seems set to repeat its January record as the asset doubled its price in a few short days. Verge (XVG) continued its boom by growing more than 29% in a single day, while the markets remained either flat or sinking. XVG reached $0.087, and has grown more than 64% net since last week. The growth is dizzying, given that XVG was considered a defunct asset with no future, after its price dropped in February. XVG trades at a slight premium of $0.089 on Binance, where most of its trade is still concentrated, but Asian trading is giving the asset a boost almost every day. But XVG is also one of the projects making forays into the mainstream, similar to NANO (XRB). Even the rogue mining attack did not manage to tank the price, but for XVG, the hype is set to continue until April 17. Now, Verge seems to be on the rise again in terms of acceptance and publicity, after a few relatively unsuccessful months. The main engine behind th...